About Us
Reach for the Top, is a grass roots humanitarian, non-profit organization that believes that we are all entitled to the basic needs of food, shelter, and clothing. Our team is committed to transforming our community by providing a positive, traditional, environment to homeless men and women, which fosters trust, mutual respect, and integrity. By empowering residents with the opportunities that contribute to permanent reintegration into society, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preference, we create a brighter future for our local community in Los Angeles.

Reach for the Top provides a safe, consistent housing environment for some of Los Angeles’ most chronic homeless men and women. Residents are encouraged to reach personal goals in all aspects of their life. Employing Housing First, Harm Reduction, and Trauma Informed Care models, our core principles at Orange House, we’ve had solid results utilizing these methodologies with our clients, and continue to support our local city by executing these methods in our daily operational procedures at Orange House.